
Explain and clarify the EoR model to your employees

The EOR model is not new. However, when remote work and hybrid work model picked during the height of the pandemic, the Employer of record (EOR) market gained traction. Explain and clarify the EOR model to your employees or prospective hires can seem complex at first. And sometimes companies find it difficult to explain the co-employment relationship, missing a critical touchpoint to communicate the unique benefits it provides to both team members and companies.

So, if you’re planning to partner with an EOR business, it is important to avoid this frequent pitfall and get your employee communication right. Find the answer in this guide we’ve prepared to help you out!


Let’s get started: 

Table of Contents

Set up a clear communication with your current team

Global employment is deeply human and it starts with having a clear communication your current team.  First and foremost, it is pivotal to let your team know that you are hiring abroad and to let them the reasons why. It may be because the company is going global or that you’re looking for talents with different cultural backgrounds. 

Once you have communicate about the WHY, you can explain the HOW by explaining what a EOR model is. You can start by explaining the basics of the EOR model and feel free to share our article on this matter, it may help !

Here are some questions your employee may have: 

    • What is an EOR? 
    • How does it works ?
    • Who is legally responsible and what does it change ?
    • What are the benefits of using an EOR ?

Of course, this list is not exhaustive and you’ll need to adjust it to answer your employee’s questions.


Explain the EOR model to your employees

Establish your role and your EOR partner’s role

Before getting the communication right with your prospective hires, you must establish your role and the role of your EOR partner. What roles both will play in the employment experience?

Usually, and in most co-employment relationships, the roles are divided as follow: the Employer of record (EOR) is the go-to person when the employee has inquiries related to benefits, payroll, tax and labor laws. On the contrary, the employer is in charge of the day-to-day responsibilities, promotions, bonus and expenses.

In all co-employment relationship, the communication is key and all party must be involved to ensure a better employee experience and avoid pitfalls. To make to recruit feel better supported and secure, make sure to answer the following questions:

      • What are the roles of the EOR and the Employer?
      • How is the employee going to manage expenses?
      • How is the employee going to manage leaves, overtime and other day-to-day concerns?

Be aware that labor laws differ from one country to another and it is pivotal to ask advice to your EOR partner.

Outline all operational processes

Including a third party in an employment relationship means that processes are handled by two different parts. Then, the employee can easily get confused.

So, if you’re planning to partner with an EOR, it’s important to get all operational processes outlined.

All operational processes should be fully disclosed and it can start with the following points:

      • What are the requirements and time frame regarding onboarding?
      • When is payday and how employee will access their pay slips?
      • Who is the go-to person to talk about payroll issues?
      • Are they any process for reimbursement?
      • When expenses will be reimbursed?
      • What are the offboarding process?
By precisely specifying  processes, your talents will feel more comfortable knowing that they are also supported and protected by the Employer of record partner in case an issue arises. It is crucial to keep up clear communications throughout the employee lifecycle and we can help you out !

Talk about the EOR model at the very beginning of the recruitment process

At the end of every process is a person who’s starting a new role or relocating abroad. So, from the very beginning of the hiring process, make sure that you explicitely communicate about the EOR model. 

This can be both in the job advertisements and during the first interview. 

For example, in the job advertisement, make sure to be fully transparent by answering the following questions: 

      • Why are you hiring abroad?
      • Are they any special requirements?
      • Why are you using an EOR ?
      • What are the implications of being hired under a EOR model ?

After, and during the first interview, you must explain the EOR model and make sure the prospectives hires is not confused about the franework. It is very important to be clear about the processes, benefits and implications that come along with it. Your international hire will likely have questions and concerns regarding how an EOR will impact their job and position so be ready to reassure them.

Align communication with your EOR partner

Explain and clarify the EoR model to your employees is pivotal but you must align communication between you and your EOR partner first. To avoid any confusion on the part of your current team or recruits, you must align communication with your EOR partner. Being as specific as possible about how team members are supported and legally protected is essential.

Be sure to be aligned on the following process and steps:

      • Onboarding process
      • Expenses
      • Mandatory and supplemental benefits
      • Leaves and overtime

You need to ask who is going to be the go-to person when the employee has a question. That’s why it’s important to choose an EOR provider that offers quality support and an excellent employee experience from the very beginning.

Continue to provide clear communication for your hires and employees

To answer any questions that arise from your international hires, the EOR should have a friendly team directly in touch with your talent. It is best to have someone from the same country speaking the same language so the employee can feel more comfortable.

This should be one main item on your checklist when choosing your EOR partner. By setting up a clear communication strategy, businesses can compete for top talent in whatever market they choose to enter.


Europortage is ready to help you explain and clarify the EoR model to your employees ! Contact us 

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